
Sport Spotlight: Nigel Clunie - Speed Skating
Jan 19, 2018

30 days to go until the 2018 Saskatchewan Winter Games begin! Let's take a closer look at Speed Skating, featuring Nigel Clunie from Team Prairie Central.

Name: Nigel Clunie

Sport: Speed Skating

Years competing in speed skating: 5

What’s your favourite part about participating and competing in speed skating?
Some favourite parts about competing in speed skating are the races and hanging out with friends in the dressing room.

What’s something people might not know about speed skating?
A random interesting fact about speed skating is that we sharpen our own skates with a jig. We also wear Kevlar suits.

When you’re not speed skating, what else can we find you doing?
I am a competitive water skiier with provincial medals in slalom, trick and jump and I enjoy snowboarding.

What are your goals for the Games?
My goals for the 2018 Saskatchewan Winter Games are to skate personal bests, enjoy the team experience and have fun!

You can catch Speed Skating from February 18th - 21st at the Battleford Arena.