Location: Jonas Sampson Middle Years School
Dates: February 18-21
Team Size: 6 males, 4 females, 1 coach and 1 manager
Age Classification: 11 - 15 YOA (2011-2014)
Technical Package: View Here
Coach/Manager Applications: TBA
Athlete Tryouts: District team selections will be managed by Judo Sask. District playdowns/tryouts will be scheduled to occur between January 5 and January 16, 2026, with a one-week buffer on either side if necessary. These will be structured in a round robin format with the top two athletes in each weight division competing in a best two out of three for the final. Further details to come.
Sport Schedule: TBA
Want to Coach? Compete? Officiate?
T.V. Taylor
Phone: (306) 260-5878