
Sport Spotlight: Keanu Bird - Hockey
Jan 25, 2018

With just 24 days to go until the 2018 Saskatchewan Winter Games in North Battleford, we're turning the lens to Hockey for today's #SportSpotlight! Featured today is Keanu Bird of Team Lakeland. Read on for Keanu's answers:

Name: Keanu Bird

Sport: Hockey

Years competing in hockey: 7

What’s your favourite part about participating and competing in your sport?
Travelling, meeting new people, and the competition.

What’s something people might not know about hockey?
How much pain you feel the next day after a game -- particularly in Bantam where hitting is allowed.

What are you most looking forward to about the 2018 Saskatchewan Winter Games?
Meeting old teammates from Regina, where our team the Bisons won the Provincial AA Tier II Championship.

Is this your first time at a Saskatchewan Games?
Yes, this is my first Saskatchewan Games.

What are your goals for the Games?
Advance my career, meet old friends and have fun.

What are your goals for your hockey career?
Combine hockey and education with the hope of going far in my hockey career.

Who's your personal hero?
Patrick Kane of the Chicago Blackhawks.

You can catch Male Hockey from February 18th-21st and Female Hockey February 21st - 24th at three venues: North Battleford Civic Centre, Battleford Arena, and Don Ross Arena.