
Apr 12, 2017

On April 6, the Battlefords group of 100 Women Who Care met for their third quarterly meeting at Empress Furniture & Decor / Carpet Superstore.   Three charities presented their bids to receive the evening’s donations: the Western Development Museum, the 2018 Winter Games and the…

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Feb 22, 2017

The 2018 Saskatchewan Winter Games marketing team only planned for 400 people to show up for the “One Year to the Games” event, but just two hours in organizers were scrambling to the store to buy more burgers. The first event to spread awareness for the 2018 Saskatchewan Winter Games…

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Feb 8, 2017

In just over a year, North Battleford will host the province's Winter Games and the co-chairs are promising it will be the best Games Saskatchewan has ever seen. The 2018 Saskatchewan Winter Games celebrate the best athletes in the province and occur every four years, much like the Olympics.…

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Nov 22, 2016

On November 22, the Estevan host society volunteer board was invited to the Leg. by Estevan MLA Lori Carr and Sport Minister Ken Cheveldayoff and were recognized in the house for their outstanding efforts in hosting the 2016 Sask Summer Games.  Thank you Estevan for a job…

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Nov 15, 2016

The North Battleford Host Society led by Co-chairs, Rob Rongve and David Schell are busy planning and preparing for the 2018 Sask Winter Games.  The Games will take place from February 18-24, 2018.  17 sports and 2000 participants are expected to take part in this exciting week long…

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