
Nutec takes on gold sponsorship
Jan 4, 2018

Yet another Gold sponsor of the 2018 Saskatchewan Winter Games has been announced. Nutec Embroidery/Arrow Trophies/Signs of the Times (known by most as just Nutec) presented a $10,000 cheque to the games committee at the store recently. Peter Frey and Bryan Renwick along with many members of their staff were on hand for the cheque presentation.

Frey commented, “We know that this is a great event for the community and fully support it being here in the Battlefords. Sport is a big part of what we do and we’re happy we can be involved.” Renwick added, “We play sport ourselves and our families and friends have been involved in sport here for years, so we know the benefit that this event will have in the area and the impact it will have on the local sports clubs for years to come.”

Aside from Nutec’s monetary support for the Games Peter Frey and Bryan Renwick were recruited early on in the games planning process to co-chair the marketing and promotions division.

“We knew we needed to get the experts on board early on and it was obvious to us that Peter and Bryan would be perfect for the position,” stated games co-chair, Rob Rongve.

Rongves’ co-chair, David Schell also noted that, “their knowledge and creativeness has been a huge asset to us in the planning process so this donation on top of that just shows how much they care about ensuring the games are a success.” 

The 2018 Saskatchewan Winter Games will take place in the Battlefords Feb. 18-24 and will feature the athletic talents of the top 1,800 athletes from across the province in 17 different sports. The games are expected to bring some 5,000 spectators out to the event over the week of the games.

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