
Aboriginal Apprentice Coaching Program - 2016 Saskatchewan Summer Games
Dec 18, 2015

We are pleased to announced the continuation of the Aboriginal Apprentice Coach Program for the 2016 Saskatchewan Summer Games in Estevan, taking place July 24 - 30. The Coaches Association of Saskatchewan (through the Aboriginal Coaches and Officials Program) and the Saskatchewan Games Council have once again partnered to offer this program. 

The goal is to have four summer sports in four different Districts participate in 2016. Key to the success of this initiative is the support from the PSGB as it is expected that these coaches will be supported by a committed Mentor coach and play a meaningful role within
the District team. Apprentice coaches must be actively involved in training camps, selection processes, preparation competitions, and of course be an additional District coach at the Games. To ensure the success of this initiative, financial assistance of up to $1,000 per coach is being made available to the successful sports through the Aboriginal Coaches and Officials Program.

Those 2016 Saskatchewan Summer Games sports interested in participating will be required to complete the expression of interest form and return it to the Coaches Association of Saskatchewan by January 15, 2016. The Coaches Association of Saskatchewan through the Aboriginal Coaches and Officials Program Coordinator will also be seeking out coach candidates at the local level to help PSGBs identify potential candidates for this exciting opportunity.

For full details, click here.

If you have any questions please contact Natalie Lukiw at (306) 975-0865, or Greg Perreaux at (306) 780-9313,

Aboriginal Apprenticeship Coaching Program Description

Expression of Interest Form

Coaches Association of Saskatchewan PSGB Memo